Women and children are especially susceptible to the effects of water scarcity and uncleanliness.
Even though the Dominican Republic is surrounded by the Caribbean Sea and has multiple rivers crossing the large island, good soft potable water is still scarce. In the communities BGA serves, people walk for miles to collect water from a creek, or a small river. The problem with this is, at the head of the water source, others often wash clothes and bathe, and at times bring their cattle to drink, and those getting water downstream gather all the impurities. The opportunity for dysentery, parasites and water borne diseases is greater at this point in the families in our communities.
Women and children are especially susceptible to the effects of water scarcity and uncleanliness with diarrhea causing half the deaths of children under age 1 in the Dominican Republic. This is because children are more physically vulnerable to disease and both groups are frequently burdened with seeking and retrieving water for their families, which takes away from other familial, academic, or work-related needs. Ultimately, the water crisis proves to be a health and financial crisis (asu.edu).
By Grace Alone will build the Morley Well at Fuente de Vida to provide safe clean water to our neighbors in the surrounding communities.